Many, many moons ago, when my good friend Jessica got her first teaching job at an elementary school, she asked if I would mind drawing some pictures for her classroom to go with her Dr. Seuss theme. It's hard to say no to someone as sweet as Jess, so of course, I was happy to do it. I worked really hard on the drawings (winter of 2006-07) and finished four 8"x10"s in colored pencil on vellum. And then I mailed them to Jess. Or so I thought....jpg)
Until I found them tonight. In a manila envelope, in a portfolio in my closet. Oops!
The funny thing is, I visited Jessica's classroom this past January with my brother, who has benefited from her generosity and the generosity of her class while he's been deployed to Afghanistan. I thought it was strange that the drawings weren't hanging up, but I thought, "Well, maybe she didn't like them," so I didn't even ask.
Jessica assures me she will hang them up, if she ever gets them! So here you go, Jess -- coming soon, three years later than promised. :)